Monday, June 27, 2011

Jack Van Impe,..'Dr' Van Impe PHD...

A llittle levity for a change.  Yup, along with several other guilty pleasures, I have an affinity for watching the Evangelical world's finest theoligian, the one the only Jack Van Impe!  Before I begin,.ley me set the record straight,..I like 'Dr.' Jack and his wife Rexella,..I really do.  They have a beauty, sincerity and zeal for the Faith like no other, they are extremely Catholic friendly and seem to quote the Pope in every episode.  So before anyone accuses me of ecumenical intolerance,..let me just state my admiration and respect for Jack and Rexella,..two fine examplary Christians striving to live out their Faith and bring people closer to Christ through their ministry.  That being said however, his peculiar theology can provide you with one of the most entertaining half hours on television, as Dr Jack and Rexella impart their unique and bizarre understanding of eschatology upon our active intellects!  Simply put, the best half hour comedy duo on television today.  This dude's theological acumen can make a Jehovah's Witness sound like a nuclear physicist...Among his ideas,.(all found in the Bible btw, out of context albeit..see what happens when you read scripture outside the lense of the Church..)  The world will see 2012 as the last year of Christians,..(btw, that's the Mayan calender,.) and that we will eventually be implanted with microchips in our foreheads and hands,..though to be fair, he is not the only evangelical propagating that theory...

Dear Jack,..please study the Catechism.  If don't undertstand a formula, its because you are not trained in classical philosophy.  You have much zeal and enthusiasm for the Faith, yet at times we giggle because your theories are soo ridiculous that you give credibility to Peter Ruckman (another theologian, 'phd').  Please carefully read and pray about our Catholic doctrines.  If you don't undertsand something, ask a credible Catholic resource.  (Your based out of Detroit,..outsource Michael Voris and RealCatholictv)  As well, claiming 18 PHDs from what would appear to be non-accredited schools exposes your own intellectual deficiency.  Memorizing scripture verses is fine, but remember that a text without a context ultimately remains a pretext.  Ask yourself the tough questions, in where did the Bible come from?  If the early Church had authority to discern the scriptures, did the Church suddenly lose this authority?  Just food for thought,..until then, please don't refer to yourself as an expert in Catholic theology, and get your Phd's from accreditted schools,..'Billy Bob's Bible Hut' in Mudlick, Kentucky doesn't count,...

Holy Spirit,..the Paraclete,...........Have Mercy on us!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

RIP Catholic French Canada....

A culture devoid of conscience, materialistic and ultimately morally bankrupt,..Canada,.my home and native land.  Today, I realized my Canadian'ness has been compromised, and Trudeau's vision of multiculturalism will ultimately lead to our demise.  Am I proud to be Canadian?  I guess so,..but compared to some of my American facebook friends, I guess I just don't feel myself patriotic at all.  Case in point; driving in New Jersey,.we always noticed American flags everywhere,..big ones, and bigger ones.   What distinguished us at one time?  Simply put our Catholicism.  Canada was founded by two solitudes, the french 'canadien' and the british.  Okay, now you figured out that I'm eastern Canadian.  Les Canadiens, became Canadiens-Francais and finally morphed into what are called Quebecois.  At least that is what popular media (separatists) call them.  Warning:  this type of post always comes up around 'la Saint Jean' as tomorrow is June 24th...ughhh...

Well, no longer do we celebrate 'La Saint Jean,.'  instead we have 'la fete National.'  St Jean was too Catholic and didn't have enough separatist undertones.   As we push forward becoming the muslim country which will pave the way for the States to later become a muslim country, several things cross my mind,..the empty Churches?  Check!  The lack of children and thus aging population?  Check!  The 'I don't care if I work,..I'll just live off the government,'  Check!  We can draw comparisons with the Roman Empire.  Yes, my friends, as sad as it may seem,,this generation is seeing the onset of the end of Western Civilization,...Oh Canadastan,..Allahu Akbar!  Thanks Baby boomers, you did a bang up job!

St Jean Batiste,....priez pour nous...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

BlackSheepdog smells fishy,...

To set the record straight, I don't think that I'll be everyone's favorite poster boy after saying this and no I don't have all the facts,..but I think the official position of Optimusmastro is to disagree publically with what Fr John Corapi is doing.  Father or as of yesterday,..'Mr' Corapi has decided to not function publically anymore as a priest.  In a statement released, he stated that due to the unfounded allegations of accusations of sexual misconduct by a now former employee of Santa Cruz media, and after waiting three months for the Church to deliberate, he will publically resign the priesthood.  The thing is,..Father Corapi wasn't just a diocesan priest reporting to his Bishop,..he was/is a member of a religious order that has a certain charism, of them being obediance.  Herein lies the problem,.If Mr,.Fr,..whatever the hell he wants to call himself,..Corapi authentically discerned his vocation and where it was calling him, he would obey.  Does this mean I agree with the Bishop?  In the words of Stone Cold Steve Austin,..'oh Hell Noooo!!!!' 

The Church is infallible,..the people in it however are not.  The Church in so far as much as she is the Bride of Christ cannot err, yet at the same time the Church is not impeccable.  Errors in judgement have been made going back as far as the New Testament,..when St Paul called out St Peter regarding eating with gentiles.  More recently we have Fatima,..remember that it took the Church almost thirty years before it was declared worthy of belief,..and Sr Lucy much to her credit and humility swallowed her pill.  That being said, am I judging Father/Mister Corapi?  Not by a long shot.  I do believe that he is making a huge error in judgement in not allowing the Church to follow Her own Bishops' procedures,.flawed as they may be.  This whole incidence reeks of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX.  They sincerely believe in the Pope, but claim they know better.  Corapi, to his credit recently released an audio whereby he defended the Bishops right to suspend him, then mentioned how he is being advised by both his canon lawyer and his civil lawyer as to what grounds to take.  He is also trying from what I understand,.to countersue. 

Father John,..(Not gonna call you Mr) I like you,.I really do.  I have a ton of respect and admiration for you, your work, and your zeal and passion for Holy Mother Church.  Had you been a diocesan priest, maybe I would look at this differently, but calling your accuser an alcoholic,.then challenging them to put up 100 grand for a piss test to proove your not on drugs sounds a little strange, especially coming from a priest,..let alone a religious one.  Why did you not accept the community's invitation to live in community,..and shouldn't you have been doing that anyway?  You lived by yourself with your hunting dogs in Montana.  Had you done that, you could have offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass everyday for the salvation and conversion of your accuser.  Talk about the ultimate weapon!  You've said it yourself!   We are on the Holy Spirit's time, not our own...I ain't gonna judge you Father, because to reiterate, I don't know all the facts, but I sincerely wish you would have waited longer than three months, and with the title of your autobiography being what it is,..I just don't know.  If I were a priest, how would I have handled this? (maybe one day,..? ;))  ...Well, Father, you and I are kindred souls, let''s just say that in the back of my wallet, I have a little card that when needed, I'll use, says, figuratively,.. 'Certified Asshole.'  

Father,..please prayerfully discern your every move.  This friday, I invite everyone to offer a small sacrifice, for Fr Corapi,..if he's right, the Holy Spirit will reveal it.  'By their fruits, you will know them.'

Mother Mary,..I ask that you place your mantle over all priests! 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Exorcism,..the Sequel...

A recent email caught my attention recently regarding my opinion on certain realities seldom discussed within the local Church while at the same time spoken about openly by the Pope and the Magisterium.  The context was an online discussion from an earlier blog post 'Catholic Kung Fu' and whether or not the demonic can oppress if not downright possess you.  The short answer is yes!

Today's recent fads have been compared to a pre flood old Testament era.  Where I live in Montreal, we have become so secularized that eventually we'll start questioning the truth of gravity because after all according to most psychologists and pseudo-theologians,..truth doesn't exist or is divisive..Sooooooooo, that being said let's call out the enemy,.satan, the devil.  Although defeated through the passion death and Ressurection of Jesus, satan seeks to ruin as many souls as possible, and the main avenue he uses is pretending he doesn't exist under the guise of modernism.  Most modern 'spirit of VII' priests would rather talk about the parish golf tournament organized by Sister Owlmoondance and sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Yoga Enlightenment...(Yeah,..and they wonder how the devil gets in!)  ADD kicking in again, let's build our primer as to who or what the devil is.

First off the devil is an angel.  A fallen angel.  He possesses angelic intellect and from all eternity has chosen against God.  The devil seeks to confuse you, cause doubt, lose your faith and ultimately lose your soul,..the same soul that was won for you on the Cross by Christ.  The danger lies not so much in the full on frontal assault, but in the whispers and temptations faced by everyday people. Three ways, the devil attacks...

Temptation:  An attack whereby a situation, action or event looks enticing, illiciting a 'good' but ultimate results in guilt or regret.  The less the guilt, the more trapped the individual becomes, until ultimately they accept the vice and thus harden themselves by convincing themselves that this behaviour is 'normal.'  (I just described myself!)

Oppression:  A different kind of attack,.a little more 'extraordinary' but ultimately the result of an open 'door.'  Usually this is a prequel to full blown possession.  How does this happen?  Welllllllll,...hmm,..let's see,.big deep breath,..and here we go!  New age, ouija boards, horoscopes, tarot cards, eastern religions, seances, pornography, fortune telling, voodoo, Oprah, (yes her philosophical crap,..) Tom Cruise,..(yes, his philosophical crap...) and any other avenue attempting to umlock future events, manipulate nature or control other people.

Possession:  The grand poobah of them all!!!  How does it happen?  Well,.easily said by looking above and nurturing the 'oppression' part and then marinating upon its effects.  The demonic can enter and take over a person's physical body, thoughts and actions.  The other action undertaken often in today's 'me' age, is the reality of pregnant women cursing their children in the womb.  (Too often people especially in the liberal crowd, forget that blessing is the opposite of cursing,.)  The will, however remains always free. 

How to avoid these three?  The formula is simple yet hard...Trust in God, partake of the Eucharist, frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation and avoid the occult.  Yes, there have been instances whereby God has allowed a possession to take place in order to show humanity its ugly reality.  (Annelise Michel,.aka Emily Rose comes to mind)  Sometimes an unwilling relative or friend will bring back an amulet or buddha without realising its nasty effect and how having these things can act as portals or gateways.  Should oppression or possession occur, consult with your local priest, a prayer of deliverance may be said over you,..and allow your will to truly conform to God's will and plan for your life.  In the case of possession, a psychiatrist may be brought in to evaluate the person's lucidity as well as run another battery of tests.  After that, the local Bishop will make a decision and contact the exorcist priest in order to prepare.  It is important to note that every diocese has one exorcist priest,..(you hear that modernist social justice marxist heterodox crowd!!)  Screaming is one thing, but levitation and speaking in ancient aramaic?  Yeah,.. I would argue it would be time to call the parish office.

With our world, especially the west literally going to hell, we are now seeing a rise in occult activity.  People are going to witch doctors and consulting horoscopes instead of just praying to God.  Life is about redemptive suffering, meditate on the Cross.    The Church of Oprah headed by Bishop Eckert Tolle along with parker brothers producing their own version of the ouija board should sound off alarms in anyone who is of sane mind...that's all for now...

St. Michael the Archangel,.......Ora pro nobis

Monday, June 6, 2011

The aches and pains of 33,..

Age.  A reality, a concept, a state of being (potency) that we all must accept.  This week, this reality reared its ugly head and kicked me straight in the ass!  Well actually in the ribs.  Being a personal trainer has its high points and low points, this time it had its 'reality bites' points.  Two fridays ago,..I decided to spar(jiu jitsu) (not a problem) with a dude 50lbs of muscle bigger than me.  (Big problem)  I won,..but after coughing blood, took a trip to the emergency room and the x-rays showed two cracked ribs...6 weeks of recovery, in week 2...ughhhh...Btw,..did I mention that I did win,.tapped him with an ankle lock....just sayin'.....

St Jude (Patron Saint of hopeless causes)  Ora pro nobis...